Utah Valley's Al-Qaeda


A billboard on I-15 proudly proclaims the following:

A local grafitti artist obliged himself to add a tagline: "Cuz we f@#$ed over too many people and had to change our name!"

I am firmly convinced that APX...Vivint...whatever...is the Utah Valley equivalent of Al-Qaeda. Think about it: young missionaries come home to BYU with few resources. Nowhere to go, nowhere to turn.


They need someone or something that can promise them unspeakable money, glory, and--as a result of these things--women. Sure, there are subsidiary organizations like Pinnacle Security, pest control companies, or Dish network sales. But Vivint is the grand-daddy of them all.

Except instead of churning out suicide bombers, it churns out tools.


  1. Best line "Instead of churning out suicide bombers, it churns out tools." hahahahaha

    Made my night!


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