Birthday Wishes--From the Husband


My name is Brock. I have been Kristi's husband for four years and two weeks. Today is her birthday. She is a whopping 23 years old. STOP! I know you're doing the math. I will do it for you. We dated when she was 18, and were married two weeks before her 19th birthday. I'm not going to get all mushy-gushy in this post. Kristi knows how much I love her. She knows she is the most beautiful girl in the world to me. I will leave it at that.

A few years ago, I told Kristi I loved her to the sounds of crunching peanut shells at a Texas Roadhouse. Here's how that went: So once upon a time there was this girl, and she was really beautiful. And there was this guy that thought the world of her. They went on dates, and this guy loved her. Kristi, that guy is me, and that girl is you.

It's no wonder that she said "thank you" and left it at that!

On the way home we saw the most incredible shooting star, and we made wishes. Months later we talked about those wishes. My wish was that she would fall in love with me. It was the one thing I wanted more than anything. Yeah, it's a lofty thing to put on the back of a star. But it came true--so thanks, dead star! Kristi wished that we would get home safely. What kind of wish-on-a-star is that? What about a gazillion dollars?! But, as she likes to say, "Both our wishes came true!" (Then she sticks her tongue out.)

Now flash forward to today. She is going to make a wish tonight for her 23rd birthday. It's not going to be for a million dollars, or a nice car, because those are things she doesn't think about. But I know what she wants more than anything. Most of her blog posts are written at the end of long workdays. I always get to bed first and, on some nights, at one in the morning, I will pull the covers from over my head and ask her, "Why do you stay up so late blogging?"

Finally, after a few years of this, I figured out why she blogs. It's for you. She does it to make you laugh, think, and have the strength to get through your day. Her blog is hilarious, and she writes with the hope that it will make you smile, or think, or both. Why? Because she loves each and every one of you, whether she has met you or not.

Like I said, its easy to know what Kristi will wish for tonight when she blows out her birthday candles: That you, her readers, will be happy.


  1. Well done, Brock. Happy birthday, Kristi.

  2. Kristi - First, Happy Birthday Again! You have always been such a positive person ever since I've known you in middle school and I have always wondered what things made you so happy all the time. Through your blogs I have come to realize, it was never wealth or anything of cost, rather it was the happiness of others, the love of your family & husband, and the little things in life that keep you smiling so bright it becomes contagious. You're so inspiring!

    Brock - You're such a great husband to Kristi!!!

  3. Cute. You guys are a great couple!


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