Been A While, Eh?


Hello dear readers! (read: Mom and Grandma Thomas)

This month has been crazy. It was quite the adjustment going from unemployment sabbatical to working full time. But it's great to be in the groove again. Not to be read as "busy", because I believe that busy-ness is not admirable nor telling of your productivity, but just having a schedule  is nice.

Aside from work, we took a long Thanksgiving vacation to go on a Disney cruise with Brock's extended family! It was awesome. We spent four days park-hopping in DisneyWorld followed by a four-night cruise in the Bahamas. Brock's family is the bomb--I just love spending time with them. I'll write a detailed post on the  cruise later.

We've been keeping up a grueling social schedule here in SLC. It's fun having a huge social network here. Our church obligations also keep us on our toes. We teaching the sweetest little boy in primary (Troy) who is such a light in our lives. Nobody in his family is a member (his mom is currently investigating), so it's been fun teaching somebody who is literally a blank slate in terms of gospel knowledge. We taught him the story of Jesus' birth for the first time last week. He loved it.

In miscellaneous news, we taught Mojo a new trick ("shake"...for shaking hands and paws!) and have been Hulu-ing the show New Girl like there's no tomorrow.

Also, y'all BEST be gettin' ready for my Christmas letter.


  1. I get so anxious when you don’t blog. Then I’m over-the-moon giddy when you do. STOP PLAYING WITH MY EMOTIONS.


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