I totally forgot to blog about what Brock and I did last weekend, and I figured I should probably get on that before this weekend gets rolling . . .

On Friday Brock planned an awesome date! We went to the LEHI RODEO.

I hadn't been to a rodeo in forever so this was really fun! Beforehand, we grabbed pizza at this FANTASTIC restaurant in Orem that we'd never been to--Pizzeria 712. It's a restaurant that's really focused on sustainability; they buy all their ingredients local, recycle their menus, the whole nine yards. Even the art they display on the walls is made by local artists.

After our fancy dinner, we switched gears and drove to Lehi for a night of calf-wranglin', dirt-bike-ridin', bronco-bustin' fun!

The dirt bike halftime show! AWESOME.

After getting our hick on, we got our hipster on at Sammy's for a banana cream pie shake! (As if you could find us anywhere else on a Friday night!)

Saturday was a CRAZY day! I helped throw a bridal shower for my cousin/best friend Heidi. Her sister actually had a medical emergency in the morning and was rushed to the hospital, so things got a little hectic. Luckily, her sister ended up being okay and was actually able to come home and sleep during the bridal shower, which meant that Heidi's mom and dad were able to be home for it, too :) There was a huge turnout--a lot of people LOVE Heidi!--and we had a good time eating, chatting, and playing games. Well, at least some people had fun with the games (which I was in charge of). I get SO SICK of playing the "How Well Do You Know Your Fiancee" and let's-make-wedding-dresses-out-of-toilet-paper games at EVERY UTAH BRIDAL SHOWER. So I mixed it up. My games involved zebra bras, lace panties, and blatant sexual innuendos. Mind you, I still kept things relatively tasteful (I did nix the banana game), but I would be lying if I said that I didn't toe the Utah Valley line.

LITTLE DID I KNOW that the age range of the bridal shower's attendees would range from TWELVE TO SEVENTY-FIVE. I am not making this up. I simultaneously gave some attendants a lesson in sex ed and reminded others of what sex was.

It was awkward.

Really awkward.

And really funny.

Later that night, Brock and I tried to go karaoke with our friends Ryan and Tiffany at Sammy's, but the karaoke machine was on the fritz. Bummer--I'd been practicing folksy/grungy/nasaly Alanis Morissette voice all day and Brock had been listening to Meatloaf's "I Would Do Anything for Love" on repeat for hours. Instead, we headed to R&T's to play some Mario on the Wii. 

Speaking of Ryan and Tiffany, we hung out with them later in the week at Brock's grandparent's cabin in Park City! We played horseshoes, badminton, went fishing, told jokes, and saw a MOOSE! It wanted to get a drink at the pond we were fishing at, but it stopped in its tracks as soon as it saw us. He ran off into the woods (galloping moose = beautiful) and we followed him in our car. We found him a little ways down the mountain, and ended up seeing the baby moose who was with him!

I love the cabin. A great end to a great weekend!


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